Hi, I'm Stuart.
I am a qualified programmer from Dublin and I have been building websites and web applications for close to twenty years. I am a full-stack web developer, which means that I have all the requisite skills to code and deploy modern websites and applications. I also have a solid understanding of good web design.
I work with sole traders, new businesses, established organisations, government institutions and web design agencies.
I build websites
the right way.
Truly Responsive
A good website should fit well on all screen sizes and focus especially on smartphone visitors, who these days make up 65% of average website visitors.
A lot of websites claim to be "responsive" but only a modern CSS framework, such as TailwindCSS, is powerful enough to achieve true cross-device responsiveness. I use Tailwind for almost every website I build.
Inherently SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) begins at the very foundations of your website. Web pages should be well-coded using the correct html elements and meta data as well being lightweight and fast to load on all devices. The framework you build your website on should make it easy to achieve this and give the developer total control over every single line of code.
I build almost every one of my websites on the Laravel framework because it enables me to deliver first-class performance and search engine optimisation.
Lightning Fast
Google wants your website to load quickly and a smartphone connected to a weak 3G signal is the ultimate test of website optimisation. If your web pages are too large or if your hosting is inadequate then Google may negatively rank your website.
In addition, studies have shown that website visitors have very little patience. Ideal load times for a web page are 1 second or less. After this time users will begin to bounce away from your website.
The frameworks that I use ensure that every aspect of your website is optimised to the fullest and file sizes are the absolute minimal.
Ready to Evolve
A good website platform should do a few things: Reduce the workload for your developer. Allow for total customisation. Be flexible enough for any kind of future development.
I choose technologies that maximise my productivity and enable me to turn your website ideas into functional applications, tailored to your exact requirements. My code is written in a way that allows me to jump back in and continue the development of your website as your business changes over time.
Using the best
frameworks and
management systems.
Laravel is a brilliant modern framework for building any kind of website you can think of. I use it to craft almost all of my websites and applications.
Other platforms can hinder the evolution of your website with strict structures that are hard to customise. Laravel, on the other hand, gives your web developer super powers.
Laravel needed a great content management system and Statamic delivered. With Statamic I can build a clean and easy to use system to manage all of the rich content that you might have on a website.
Statamic is what I recommend to clients who want the best websites and need content a good content management system.
What about WordPress?
WordPress has dominated the internet for many years and it invented many solutions for common website problems. Unfortunately it's core is built on old-school technology and it can hinder the evolution of a modern website.
For these reasons I am no longer recommending WordPress websites to my clients. You can read more about this here.