Hi, I'm Stuart.
I am a qualified programmer from Dublin and I have been building websites and web applications for close to twenty years. I am a full-stack web developer, which means that I have all the requisite skills to code and deploy modern websites and applications. I also have a solid understanding of good web design.
I work with sole traders, new businesses, established organisations, government institutions and web design agencies.
Web applications
can do a lot.
Manage important data
It's dangerous to store important company information on Excel files and basic spreadsheets. Modern browser-based admin systems will improve the reliability and security of your valuable information and grant users varying levels of access to data, documents and media files.
Simplify administration tasks
Administration tasks can require a lot manual effort which could be totally automated or processed by the simple click of a button. Modern web applications provide powerful features to run complex tasks and process of large amounts of data in a reliable manner.
Build online communities
Modern development tools enable a single web developer to build complicated authentication features such as login pages, permission-based dashboards and private member areas. Browser-based applications can be perfect for public communities and private member services.
Streamline payments
A system needs to be reliable and secure when dealing with online payments. It should also be fully customisable to suit the intricacies of your particular business. I can build fully customised solutions to process once-off and recurring payments.
Use Cases for Custom
Adminstration Systems.
There are many uses for custom administration panels, and they offer a lot of advantages over pre-made software. Here are some examples of systems that I have built over the years.
Property & Facilities
Factories & Machinery
Staff & Franchisees
Subscriptions & Payments
Digital Archives
Modern web components
all working together.
The modern database is a powerful tool that can handle billions of rows of information, but extracting the specific data we need can be tricky! That's why I use Laravel Framework and its Eloquent ORM to easily build and interact with complex databases.
Forms can be made up of simple text fields and checkboxes but they can get much more sophisticated than that. That's why we need robust front-end frameworks such as Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap CSS and Vue JS. With these I can build easy-to-use multi-page forms that save a user's progress and trigger various tasks when they are submitted.
It may seem simple but logging into a website takes a lot of work from a development perspective. Login forms, password resets, notifications and permission systems require many database and interface structures. The Laravel framework makes it a breeze to achieve all of these things, and that's why love it!
Notification Systems
Emails, text messages or in-app prompts - Notifications are a powerful tool that keep your users up to date and encourage them to interact with your system. Yet again the Laravel framework has this covered and provides a whole suite of notification services.
The true power of software shows in it's ability to handle tasks automatically and trigger appropriate events. Modern web frameworks, such as Laravel, provide queuing and event handling features that are extremely powerful and can automate the processing of massive amounts of data.
API Integrations
A lot of modern online services provide interfaces that can be used extract your valuable data and utilise it on your website and in other applications - these are known as APIs or Application Programming Interfaces. I have integrated many APIs including Google Maps, Slack, Hubspot, Klaviyo into PHP websites and applications.
Payment Gateway Integration
Stripe, Paypal and similar payment gateways provide the means to take online payments. While there are many out-of-the-box solutions that do the hard work of interacting with these payment gateways, a fully customised payment experience can be difficult to build. That's where a solid web framework, such as Laravel, and an experienced web developer, such as myself, comes in.

Custom admin systems that won't break the bank.
I can build almost anything that you can think of but custom development can be expensive. Laravel Nova is a framework for rapidly scaffolding functional admin panels and it can save massive amounts of development time. It's object-orientated approach is flexible enough to satisfy most admin panel requirements.
When Nova isn't suitable, I can instead build totally custom systems on the Laravel Framework. Read more about my custom administration system development services.